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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

43 results found


Definition: A code-mixing term that is abbreviated from the word 'condom'. Sometimes, it is called 'dom dom'. (dam4 dam2) Usage: E.g. 冇帶dom?!我唔同你做! E.g. 今日有冇帶dom dom呀?


Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers use to refer to an equipment that helps connect computer networks together. Usage: E.g. 個router係咪壞左?點解冇network既?Synonym: 路由器Reference:

make sense

Definition: A convenient English phrase used by native Hong Kongers to avoid going into negative detail about someone who does not understand you. Usage: E.g. 朋友: 喂,你講野好唔make sense喎。你:真的嗎? E.g. 我覺得你講野make sense,不過我唔係太明。 E.g. 你講野都唔make sense,廢鬼事再聽你講。


Definition: Pronounced as 'call-lee' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this code-mixing term is used by native Hong Kongers to refer to the English word 'qualification'. Often used together with the word 'show' to mean 'show off'. Usage: E.g. 你冇qualie就唔好係到扮哂野啦。 E.g. 你唔好係到掛住show qualie啦,兄弟。 E.g. 睇唔出你咁有qualie喎。


Definition: Pronounced as 'se-fun' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a shortened term used to refer to the 7-Eleven convenience store. Usage: E.g. 今日放工記得去seven買野呀。 E.g. 我要去seven交電話費。


Definition: A way to avoid losing face or embarassment when you do not know how to answer the boss's question. However, it can be considered unprofessional if used too much at a workplace. Usage: E.g. 你:我搵過好多次,但係somehow條數搵唔到。老細:哦,係呀?(你:我搵過好多次,但係唔知點解條數搵唔到。老細:咁實有原因架喎?) E.g. 你:個printer somehow壞左呀。老細:哦。(你:個printer唔知點解壞左呀。老細:我唔想聽到唔知點解!)


Definition: Classified as 'JM tone', this is a code-mixing style adopted by Hong Kong celebrity Janice Man to represent the upper class.  (Notice that the letter m is a voiced consonant in this word and should be emphasized for extremely proper pronunciation.) Usage: E.g. 我週末得閒既時候會同朋友去睇mmmovie。


Definition: Pronounced with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a code-mixing term that refers to 'calculator'.  Also used as 'cal機' sometimes. Usage: E.g. 唔該借個cal機比我呀? E.g. 試下用caltor check吓個answer。Synonym: 計數機Reference:

dead chicken propping up the rice cooker lid

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing idiom used by native Hong Kongers to describe someone who refuses to concede despite knowing that they made the mistake in the first place. '死雞撐飯蓋' can also be shortened to '死撐' sometimes. Usage: E.g. You know you've done wrong! Stop being like a dead chicken propping up the rice cooker lid!Synonym: 死雞撐飯蓋Reference:


Definition: Often pronounced as 'fi-lo' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a code-mixing term that is more generic to be used for a number of different items in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 唔該copy呢個file比我。(電腦檔案) E.g. 買多個file儲住D紀錄。(文件夾) E.g. 警察:我哋會睇返呢單case既file。(檔案)Reference: