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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

26 results found

dan so

Definition: A shortened code-mixing term that refers to 'dancing society'. Usage: E.g. 同學:你參加左咩so呀?你:dan so囉。內地學生:什麼?你:唔好意思。係dancing society呀。Synonym: 跳舞學會


Definition: A shortened code-mixing term that refers to 'semester' and can hardly be replaced '學期'. Usage: E.g. 大學生:唔知今個sem考成點呢? 你:份project幾時交呀?同學:sem尾先至交呀。


Definition: A shortened term for the word 'socialise' in English, which may mean different things in various situations. Usage: E.g. 喂,你so吓人好喎?(to show that you care about others) E.g. 喂,唔好成日掛住soD女仔啦。(to court somebody) E.g. 喂,後生仔要出黎soso吓先得架嘛。(to socialise) E.g. 喂,你最近好似唔係好so-so喎。(being social)


Definition: Pronounced as 'se-fun' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a shortened term used to refer to the 7-Eleven convenience store. Usage: E.g. 今日放工記得去seven買野呀。 E.g. 我要去seven交電話費。


Definition: A shortened term of the word 'confirm' in English, used to maximise communicative efficiency and to get the listener to confirm ASAP. Usage: E.g. 下個月個party既日期firm左未呀? E.g. 你下次個appointment firm左未呀? E.g. Firm左未呀?快D啦。


Definition: A shortened code-mixing term meaning 'compromise'. Usage: E.g. 香港人:我地雙方要com吓先得,OK?內地人:說什麼?香港人:COMPROMISE。 E.g. 你:我知道我地好多野都唔係好夾,不過我地com吓咪得囉。朋友:我com你老X!