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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

375 results found

No worries

Definition: A code-mixing term that real ABC's like to use to show their friendliness or generosity. Usage: E.g. No worries。今餐我比住先啦。 E.g. No worries。我幫你搞掂左喇。


Definition: A slightly more polite sounding code-mixing term that real ABC's in Hong Kong like to use instead the Cantonese equivalent '大佬', meaning 'big brother', even though the literal meaning is usually not taken when used, just like the word 'dude'. Usage: E.g. Dude,你係到搞D咩呀? E.g. Dude,你好還錢喇喎? E.g. Dude,你以為你自己好型呀?Synonym: 大佬


Definition: A more subtle way for Hong Kongers to refer to the undergarment worn by women, as the Cantonese equivalent term '胸圍' may sound too explicit and embarrassing in mentioning the female's body part. Usage: E.g. 哎呀,我今日唔記得左載bra添。Reference:

check in

Definition: An ultra convenient code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to registering your arrival at a place like a hotel or airport, as the Cantonese equivalent '辦理入住手續' sounds too long and verbose. Usage: E.g. 快D check in左先啦,至後再慢慢搵野食。Reference:

which is

Definition: A code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers tend to use instead of the Cantonese equivalent words '即係'. Usage: E.g. 今日呢個demo係做比大家睇既,which is:如果你地有D咩問題想問關於呢個project,或者你地覺得有D咩地方可以再做好D,請隨便發問或者提議。


Definition: An overused code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to sharing something. Usage: E.g. 快D po你D相上網同大家share吓啦。 E.g. 去完旅行買左D咩好野同大家share吓啦。 E.g. 今日開會有咩想同大家share吓呢?

puppy love

Definition: An irreplaceable code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to the kind of love relationship that one can get while being a teenager or kid. Usage: E.g. 咁細個就談戀愛?Puppy love呀? E.g. 唔好成日掛住puppy love啦。讀好D書先啦。Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to getting a facial treatment. Usage: E.g. 日日做facial塊面先至靚架麻。 E.g. 做緊facial咪鬼打黎啦。Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to hanging up the phone. Usage: E.g. 又cut我電話?咩事呀? E.g. 呢D sales再打黎cut佢線得架喇。Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers like to use when talking about work, as the Cantonese equivalent terms may denote a higher responsibility. Usage: E.g. 呢件事你handle可以嗎?(處理) E.g. 咁多功課hand唔handle到呀?(應付) E.g. 公司既財政邊個handle架?(負責)