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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

277 results found

Lets say

Definition: A way to avoid sounding too imaginative when you want to suggest things that are impossible to happen. Usage: E.g. Let’s say你有日比人老粒左,你會點呢? E.g. Let’s say你考試肥佬左,你會點面對你家人? E.g. Let's say你比人打獲金,你會唔會還拖?


Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term meaning to continue doing or retain control of something. Usage: E.g. 日日keep fit先會健康架。 E.g. 你D身材keep得幾好喎。 E.g. 我地以後keep contact啦。 E.g. 不如keep in touch好唔好?Reference:


Definition: (adj.) A code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very trendy. Usage: E.g. 哇,你今日著得好IN呀。 E.g. 聽返D流行音樂,咁先夠IN架嘛。 E.g. 做後生仔要夠IN先得架嘛。


Definition: (adj.) An irreplaceable code-mixing term used to describe an unhappy state, especially when a person has been devastated by someone. Usage: E.g. 喂,你知唔知人地係會好hurt架? E.g. 喂,你咁講野人地係會好hurt架。 E.g. 點都好,你應該唔好hurt到人先岩。Reference:你說話會中英夾雜嗎-被-污名化-的中英夾雜-why-code-mixing-is-totally-fine-32eb1f280ca

frankly speaking

Definition: A code-mixing term that is used when you really care not to offend someone. Usage: E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你唔夠quali囉。 E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我對你既印象麻麻地囉。 E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你好扮野囉。


Definition: A classic code-mixing term often used with the word 'case' to get someone to follow up on something in a professional manner.  However, it is now often associated with the 'follow' used in social media. Usage: E.g. 唔該同我follow吓個case呀。 E.g. 呢個case follow成點呀? E.g. 快D follow我個IG啦!Reference:


Definition: A chic way of saying the word 'feel' in Cantonese, in order to avoid sounding old-fashioned. Usage: E.g. 晨早樓樓係到食薯片,好唔岩feel喎。(noun) E.g. 喂,你今日著成咁,好MKfeel喎。 (noun) E.g. 我feel到佢對我有意思。(verb) E.g. 我對你已經冇哂feel喇。 (noun)Reference:港式-廣東話-中英夾雜-口語-香港人-搭lift-食lunch


Definition: A generic term for a number of different Chinese words of equivalent meaning, sometimes used to tone down your directness and also to maximise communicative efficiency. Usage: E.g. 老師: 老師唔expect你100分,不過盡左力就得喇。(要求) E.g. 朋友: 今日係我生日。我expect你都比下面掛。(預料) E.g. 我冇expect過今次考試會考成咁。(預期) E.g. 上司對你冇咩expectation,總之搞掂D野就得喇。(期望)


Definition: A word used by Hong Kong people to express absolute affirmation, which is comparable to 'Bingo!' Usage: E.g. 係喇,係喇。Exactly! E.g. 岩喇!呢個就係我exactly想講既野。 E.g. 我唔係太get你exactly想講咩。

end up

Definition: A euphemistic way of refering to the end of something, as saying something is at a final stage is considered bad luck in Cantonese sometimes. Usage: E.g. 唔知佢end up會做D咩呢? E.g. 上次個project end up成點呀? E.g. 佢上個暑假end up左去台灣。