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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

251 results found


Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term that refers to describing a matter as something else, especially in politics. Usage: E.g. 鍾培生:阿林作好鍾意將件事spin到同政治有關。


Definition: Pronounced as 'se-fun' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a shortened term used to refer to the 7-Eleven convenience store. Usage: E.g. 今日放工記得去seven買野呀。 E.g. 我要去seven交電話費。


Definition: Used to refer to setting things up in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 伙記:等我set好張枱先再叫你入黎啦。 客人:好呀。 E.g. 個server set up左未呀?


Definition: Pronounced as 'sik-q', this is a code-mixing term used to refer to the security staff of a building. Usage: E.g. 同我快D叫'食Q'黎!


Definition: Pronounced as 'call-lee' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this code-mixing term is used by native Hong Kongers to refer to the English word 'qualification'. Often used together with the word 'show' to mean 'show off'. Usage: E.g. 你冇qualie就唔好係到扮哂野啦。 E.g. 你唔好係到掛住show qualie啦,兄弟。 E.g. 睇唔出你咁有qualie喎。


Definition: A more polite way to refer to a person's standpoint, as the Cantonese equivalent term '點', meaning a dot, can refer to a woman's breast. Usage: E.g. 男人:喂,我真係好唔明你個point喎!女人:唔緊要。我慢慢解釋比你聽。 E.g. 男人:喂,我真係好唔明你個點喎!女人:你話我邊點呀?唔好性騷擾喎!Reference:你說話會中英夾雜嗎-被-污名化-的中英夾雜-why-code-mixing-is-totally-fine-32eb1f280ca


Definition: The Hong Kong way of referring to the invoice sent to customers, as '發票' is rarely used. Usage: E.g. 張invoice send左比個客未呀? E.g. 喂,你咁快send左invoice黎係咪想追我數呀?

end up

Definition: A euphemistic way of refering to the end of something, as saying something is at a final stage is considered bad luck in Cantonese sometimes. Usage: E.g. 唔知佢end up會做D咩呢? E.g. 上次個project end up成點呀? E.g. 佢上個暑假end up左去台灣。


Definition: A code-mixing term often used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to refer to the day that work must be handed in and finalised. Usage: E.g. 老闆:下次知道要搞咁耐就早D返公司喇。 下屬:你話有野要交比個客睇,但係冇話過係deadline喎。 E.g. 老闆:今日係deadline,做唔完野要OT。 下屬:D野一早就做哂喇。


Definition: This is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to social class.  However, it is often pronounced as 'car' or 'car屎' by grassroot class Hong Kongers. Usage: E.g. 喂呢間餐廳好high car屎喎。 E.g. 今日洗唔洗著到咁high car屎呀? E.g. 唔好成日扮到咁high car啦。中左六合彩咩?