34 results found
Definition: 1. (adj). To describe a hectic state where you are so busy that you feel like you cannot breathe.
2. (verb). An Englishised code-mixing term that refers to exhausting oneself in order to get work done in a short period of time, which is usually brought on by demanding customers or people of high authority.
Usage: E.g. 今日返工真係好chur呀。(adj)
E.g. 哇,呢個客洗唔洗chur到咁盡呀?比條生路人地行吓好嗎?(verb)Reference: https://zolimacitymag.com/pop-cantonese-hea-chok-chur/
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to downloading files from the internet. ('下載') Sometimes, it is shortened to 'down' instead.
Usage: E.g. Download個file落黎,再send比我呀唔該。Synonym: 下載
Definition: A shortened code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to uploading files to the internet. ('上載')
Usage: E.g. 快D幫我up張相到IG啦!
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to uploading files to the internet. ('上載')
Usage: E.g. 快D幫我upload張相去IG啦!Synonym: 上載
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to sending things over the internet. ('發送')
Usage: E.g. 你可唔可以send張相比我呀?Synonym: 發送
Definition: A nicer-sounding phrase than '重複檢查' or '檢查兩次', which means to check again or check two times.
Usage: E.g. 每次考試時記住double check份卷。
Definition: A slightly more polite sounding code-mixing term that real ABC's in Hong Kong like to use instead the Cantonese equivalent '大佬', meaning 'big brother', even though the literal meaning is usually not taken when used, just like the word 'dude'.
Usage: E.g. Dude,你係到搞D咩呀?
E.g. Dude,你好還錢喇喎?
E.g. Dude,你以為你自己好型呀?Synonym: 大佬
Definition: A code-mixing term used to refer to holding something physically (揸), but with the meaning of waiting for the return of something as well.
Usage: E.g. Hold住個電話先。
E.g. 個project兒家hold住左,因為要同個客傾返好先。Reference: https://repository.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/tc/item/cuhk-321644
Definition: Often pronounced as '波士', this is a more polite sounding code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to '老闆', especially when working in a corporate company.
Usage: E.g. 做波士就好啦。我地呢班打工仔一世做奴隸。Reference: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk