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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

45 results found


Definition: A code-mixing word that working class Hong Kongers love to use instead of the Cantonese equivalent '資料庫' in the IT sector. Also see 'db'. Usage: E.g. Con唔connect得到個database呀? E.g. 內地人:你能夠連接得到個資料庫嗎? 香港人:你指個database?Synonym: 資料庫


Definition: A code-mixing word that Hong Kongers love to use to refer to '資料庫' in the IT sector. Usage: E.g. 連得到個database未? 定係connect唔到呢?Synonym: 資料庫


Definition: Pronounced as 'dee', this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers to refer to using the 'delete' button on a keyboard to get rid of something when using the computer. Usage: E.g. Del左呢個paragraph,再加返個conclusion,然後再send比我啦。Reference:

Thats why

Definition: Often repeated after '所以' (so) in Cantonese, this is to reinforce what this speaker is trying to explain, especially in a work situation. Usage: E.g. 程序上有好多野要double confirm,所以that's why個project到兒家仲未出街。


Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to mean 'relaxing' (adjective), while real ABC's use it as a verb meaning 'to relax'.  However, Fake ABC's use this term to mean feeling cold. (發冷) Usage: E.g. 我覺得首歌好chill呀,好好聽。(relaxing) E.g. 我地一齊去chill一陣呀?(to relax) E.g. 我覺得好chill呀。閂細D aircon得嗎?(feeling cold)Reference:開罐/128449/你是否-偽abc-chill-中文意思係咩-10個港人常用錯英文字


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to understanding the gist of something.  Sometimes, it is also used to refer to understanding the small parts of something, in order to understand the whole thing. Usage: E.g. 佢好像唔係咁get我們講D咩。 E.g. 你要get到最基本既concept先,之後你就會明哂所有野。Reference:港式-廣東話-中英夾雜-口語-香港人-搭lift-食lunch


Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term meaning to continue doing or retain control of something. Usage: E.g. 日日keep fit先會健康架。 E.g. 你D身材keep得幾好喎。 E.g. 我地以後keep contact啦。 E.g. 不如keep in touch好唔好?Reference:


Definition: An overused code-mixing term by real ABC's in Hong Kong when they want to give praise or compliment to something, just like the word '正' in Cantonese but stronger. Usage: E.g. 哇,今次個concert真係awesome! E.g. Woah! Awesome!

no bullsh*t lets go

Definition: A code-mixing term used by upper class Hong Kongers to express how serious a matter is and is no joke at all. Usage: E.g. 鍾培生:Sign the f***ing contract. No bullsh*t let's go.Reference:


Definition: Pronounced with a rising intonation on the second syllable, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to doing something at exactly the right time, such as a love relationship. Usage: E.g. 其實愛情都幾講timing。有時要搵啱個timing先可以喺埋一齊。Synonym: 時機Reference: