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Definition: A code-mixing term that is used when you really care not to offend someone.
Usage: E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你唔夠quali囉。
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我對你既印象麻麻地囉。
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你好扮野囉。
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that refers to something that is like an eyesore to oneself because he or she cannot withstand it anymore.
Usage: E.g. 你地做成日都打爛野。我真係no eye see喇。(冇眼睇)Synonym: 冇眼睇Reference: https://hklanguage.home.blog/tag/kongish/
Definition: (adj.) A code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very trendy.
Usage: E.g. 哇,你今日著得好IN呀。
E.g. 聽返D流行音樂,咁先夠IN架嘛。
E.g. 做後生仔要夠IN先得架嘛。
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to refer to giving or providing something, in order to help achieve a goal.
Usage: E.g. 麻煩大家contribute一吓個discussion。Synonym: 貢獻Reference: https://www.threads.net/@hongtonese/post/C8zlfwZytLZ
Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term meaning to continue doing or retain control of something.
Usage: E.g. 日日keep fit先會健康架。
E.g. 你D身材keep得幾好喎。
E.g. 我地以後keep contact啦。
E.g. 不如keep in touch好唔好?Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxrKXQowtvk
Definition: A way to avoid sounding too imaginative when you want to suggest things that are impossible to happen.
Usage: E.g. Let’s say你有日比人老粒左,你會點呢?
E.g. Let’s say你考試肥佬左,你會點面對你家人?
E.g. Let's say你比人打獲金,你會唔會還拖?
Definition: A convenient English phrase used by native Hong Kongers to avoid going into negative detail about someone who does not understand you.
Usage: E.g. 朋友: 喂,你講野好唔make sense喎。你:真的嗎?
E.g. 我覺得你講野make sense,不過我唔係太明。
E.g. 你講野都唔make sense,廢鬼事再聽你講。
Definition: A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe someone who is manly.
Usage: E.g. 哇!你今日冇剃鬚好man呀!
E.g. 得閒去吓gym鍛鍊吓肌肉先至夠man架嘛。
Definition: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to soften the tone when requesting for something, especially when the speaker does not want to be rejected.
Usage: E.g. 你:mind唔mind我跟返呢個客? 同事:唔mind。 (你:介唔介意我跟返呢個客? 同事:介意。)
E.g. 你:mind唔mind我坐喺到? 陌生人:唔mind。(你:介唔介意我坐喺到? 陌生人:介意。)
E.g. 你:mind唔mind等我一陣? 老細:唔mind。 (你:介唔介意等我一陣? 老細:介意。)