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Definition: Often added after '一定', this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to refer to being absolutely certain that you will win, like in a bet or game.
Usage: E.g. 今次D牌咁靚,一定sure win啦!
E.g. 你咁有學歷同咁smart,面試一定sure win啦!Synonym: 必勝Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/61304/
Definition: A code-mixing term that is often used by native Hong Kongers to refer to getting high or excited.
Usage: E.g. 尋晚唱K唱到好high。
E.g. 你咪成日喺到自high啦。
Definition: Often used as '搞爛gag', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a lame joke or broken joke.
Usage: E.g. 你唔好成日喺到搞爛gag啦!一D都唔好笑!Reference: https://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/爛Gag
Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to a job position that covers almost all the duties that an entire department has.
Usage: E.g. 我份工係one man band,所以都幾忙架。Reference: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/一腳踢
Definition: Known as Kongish and derived from '長氣', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a friend who is always so verbose and says the same thing over and over again, like a grandma.
Usage: E.g. 喂,我頂你!唔好咁long gas得唔得呀?!(長氣)Synonym: 長氣Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/2630/
Definition: Derived from '一波三折', this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe an unexpected event with twists and turns. Literal meaning: A wave that is split into three segments.
Usage: E.g. 呢排真係好黑仔呀。簡直係one ball seventy percent off呀。(一波三折)Synonym: 一波三折Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/58665/
Definition: Originated from the olden days where the upper class loved to wear old sheepskin of high quality, this is a Kongish code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to describe someone who has low social status and tries to mimick the upper class by wearing cheap quality clothing that matches the appearance of expensive clothing. ie. The white colour and look of fresh carrot skin resembles the look of old sheepskin.
Usage: E.g. You think you are so high class? What kind of fresh carrot skin are you?Synonym: 新鮮蘿蔔皮Reference: https://voltra.academy/blog/canton2
Definition: Derived from '你大我?‘, this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use when they feel that someone is bluffing them by a display of confidence.
Usage: E.g. You big me? 我big返你and give you some color you see呀!(你大我?我大返你再比D顏色你睇呀!)Synonym: 你大我?