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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

115 results found


Definition: A polite way of addressing a stranger, usually a much older person, when you meet them for the first time. Usage: E.g. 哈佬Auntie,你好呀! E.g. 仔仔,快D叫聲Auntie啦。Reference:


Definition: A posh way of saying that you admire someone's work or effort, in order to show your high social status or higher education background. Usage: E.g. 我好appreciate你個idea. Well done. E.g. 我好appreciate你做既野。不過,你都唔可以迫我accept你個apology。


Definition: Often overused by Fake ABCs in Hong Kong for creating a western appeal, especially when they lack English vocabulary. Usage: E.g. Actually,我都要D時間諗下先。我過兩日再覆你。 E.g. 朋友:我地係咪約好左聽日去睇戲呀?你:Actually,我聽日唔得閒。 E.g. Actually,你講既野都有D道理。不過我唔同意。


Definition: A more effortless way of apologising to someone without sounding so formal and serious. Sometimes, it is pronounced as 'sor-li'. Usage: E.g. Sorry呀,踩親你。 E.g. Sorry呀,我遲到左。 E.g.你:對唔住!係我抵死,係我唔岩!朋友:唔洗咁隆重。你:SORRY囉。Reference:


Definition: Classified as 'JM tone', this is a code-mixing style adopted by Hong Kong celebrity Janice Man to represent the upper class. (Notice that the letter m is a voiced consonant in this word and should be emphasized for extremely proper pronunciation.) Usage: E.g. 我週末得閒既時候會同朋友去睇mooovie。