15 results found
Definition: A Kongish code-mixing phrase that local Hong Kongers use to refer to someone who is off-topic or providing irrelevant answers.
Usage: E.g. Lei dou gau m daap baat! Can you answer my question?!Synonym: 九唔搭八Reference: https://hklanguage.home.blog/tag/kongish/
Definition: Often used as 'AA制' (policy), this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to paying for yourself at a meal. (Also known as 'going Dutch' in English)
Usage: E.g. 今餐AA制得唔得呀?Synonym: 食自己, 自己比
Definition: A romanised code-mixing term used to describe how poor (慘) someone is.
Usage: E.g. 今次考試肥左真係好chaam。
E.g. 做到扒左喺到咁真係chaamchaam豬。
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term added to the end of verbs to express the meaning of completely or to a large extent. (晒 - saai3)
Usage: E.g. Mm goi sai! (Thank you so much!) 唔該晒
E.g. Dor jeh sai! (Thank you very much!) 多謝晒
E.g. Jo sai! (Done everything!) 做晒
E.g. Sik sai! (Eaten everything!) 食晒
E.g. Mo sai! (No more left!) 冇晒Synonym: 晒Reference: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/characters/1592/
Definition: Known as Kongish and a much stronger version of 'chi sin' (痴線), this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers describe someone who is crazy, or a situation that is outrageous or unbelievable. (黐孖筋 - ci1 maa1 gan1) Literal meaning: To have your twin wires sticking together, causing short circuit in the brain.
Usage: E.g. Why did you scold me?! Are you chi ma gun??!!
E.g. Chi ma gun! Don't dare to drive after drinking alchohol again!!Synonym: 黐孖筋
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to describe working for a job while looking for a better one. (騎牛搵馬 - ke4 ngau4 wan2 maa5)
Usage: E.g. Look for a job first! You can always ride an ox while looking for a horse!Synonym: 騎牛搵馬Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,139574,139575