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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

247 results found

sure win

Definition: Often added after '一定', this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to refer to being absolutely certain that you will win, like in a bet or game. Usage: E.g. 今次D牌咁靚,一定sure win啦! E.g. 你咁有學歷同咁smart,面試一定sure win啦!Synonym: 必勝Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that is often used by native Hong Kongers to refer to getting high or excited. Usage: E.g. 尋晚唱K唱到好high。 E.g. 你咪成日喺到自high啦。


Definition: Often used as '搞爛gag', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a lame joke or broken joke. Usage: E.g. 你唔好成日喺到搞爛gag啦!一D都唔好笑!Reference:爛Gag


Definition: (textspeak) Derived from '狗噏' meaning 'dog uttering', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to talking non-sense, like bullsh*t. It is also often pronounced as '鳩噏' as a vulgar expression. Usage: E.g. Stop 9up and bragging about your achievements all the time! (唔好成日喺到鳩噏車大炮啦!)Synonym: 狗噏, 鳩噏Reference:

O mouth

Definition: Derived from 'O嘴', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to feeling surprised and astonished to the point where your mouth literally opens in an O shape. Usage: E.g. I was O mouth to see the football match turned around! (今次場波反敗為勝,真睇到我O哂嘴。)Synonym: O嘴Reference:

long gas

Definition: Known as Kongish and derived from '長氣', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a friend who is always so verbose and says the same thing over and over again, like a grandma. Usage: E.g. 喂,我頂你!唔好咁long gas得唔得呀?!(長氣)Synonym: 長氣Reference:

one ball seventy percent off

Definition: Derived from '一波三折', this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe an unexpected event with twists and turns. Literal meaning: A wave that is split into three segments. Usage: E.g. 呢排真係好黑仔呀。簡直係one ball seventy percent off呀。(一波三折)Synonym: 一波三折Reference:

eyes big see through dragon

Definition: Derived from the idiom '眼大睇過龍', this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase that refers to failing to notice something. ie. To overlook. Usage: E.g. A: Where is my phone? B: It's right here in front of you. You are really 'eyes big see through dragon!'Synonym: 眼大睇過龍Reference:

fall country fall city

Definition: Derived from the idiom '傾國傾城', this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase used to describe women that are so devastatingly beautiful that they can make a country or city fall. Usage: E.g. The girls in this club are so fall country fall city!Synonym: 傾國傾城

dik hon

Definition: (textspeak) Derived from comic book characters having a large drop of sweat on their forehead or hair, this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to feeling speechless and reticent. Dik hon (滴汗) has the literal meaning of 'drip sweat'. Usage: E.g. Your joke is so lame! Dik hon!Synonym: 滴汗